For the control of Downy Mildew, Downy Special was created specifically from ingredients taken from plants. For crops cultivated in polyhouses, shade net houses, and open fields, Downy Special application is equally indicated. In accordance with NOP standards, it is permitted for use in organic agriculture. It is also a G2 certified, patent protected, and environmentally friendly product. In addition, downy raze is advised for the efficient control of downy mildew, which commonly affects many kinds of fruits, vegetables, flowers, oilseeds, pulses, food and fodder crops, spices, etc.
It manages downy mildew by both a systemic and a contact mode of action. Bordeaux combination, copper-based fungicides, and Downy Special are incompatible. It is advised to use this product while it is generally cool outside, which is in the morning and evening. Sprayings should be avoided during the hot noontime. It is advised to apply Downy Special every 7–8 days to monitor the disease, though need-based application may also be used, depending on how severe the disease is on the crop.
Excellent effects against a variety of fungi, especially downy mildew, within 48 hours.
When downy raze gets into contact with the infection, it prevents the pathogen from proliferating further.
Plants responded phytotonically to this substance.
Zero pre-harvest index (PHI) and zero re-entry interval (REI) make it ideal for organic farming. further suggested for exporting residue-free goods.
harmless to both humans and animals.
Recommended Spraying Dosages :
Preventive – 1 to 1.5 ml per liter of water.
Curative – 2 to 2.5 ml per liter of water.
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